Brand Research

IE Brand’s a great listener. We listen to what our clients have got to say, then we speak to audiences to see what they really believe. Then we compare the two – always on the lookout for any gaps or misperceptions. Sometimes we only need to speak to a handful of people, but other times we may need to consult with dozens, or even hundreds of stakeholders. We can be researching small organisations with big ambitions, or large and complex clients who need help to wrestle with their brand architecture. Whether qualitative or quantitative, or a healthy mix, it’s audience insight that drives every one of our projects.

Post-it notes
Cranfield Brand Research

Research offers a number of benefits for not-for-profits:

  • It establishes a baseline to measure success from – invaluable for monitoring future progress against targets.
  • It can help to justify a project – if you’re convinced there’s a problem, but you’re struggling to communicate that message to key decision makers within your organisation, nothing is as compelling as hearing your problems described, first-hand, by your audiences.
  • It enables you to take your stakeholders with you – offering people the chance to articulate their views before a rebrand, helping to frame any changes that occur as a result. It allows you to show that you asked the world for their feedback, and that you listened and acted accordingly.
  • It de-risks the process – by listening to stakeholders, and translating that insight into the work that follows, it allows you to mitigate the risk of a backlash – both externally and internally. There’s a time and a place for creative thinking, and acting on a hunch, but it provides precious little recourse further down the line, if things go wrong.

Explore our thoughts on Brand Research below, and read a selection of our research-driven case studies.

Embracing B2C audiences
Resuscitation Council UK Following a brand review and extensive stakeholder research, it was clear that Resuscitation Council UK required a top-level rebrand to reposition the charity for a wider audience, to be rolled out on and offline. Resuscitation Council UK is…
David Crichton, Creative Director and Brand Consultant at IE Brand
David Crichton
Brand research blog
How much brand research is enough? Here at IE Brand it’s our firm belief that any rebrand MUST be led by the research. In this article adapted from our white paper “Not-for-profits: why, when, and how to rebrand”, David Crichton takes a look at why research is important for any…
Prestige brand research
Royal Academy of Engineering A project to craft impactful brand messaging for the Royal Academy of Engineering to ensure their new five year strategic vision is accessible. And then an ambitious new visual identity to communicate the Academy’s…
Health campaign branding
Sexwise A sex-positive new campaign brand for sexual health charity FPA and Public Health England, with a fun, universal appeal. IE Brand conducted stakeholder research to ensure the campaign’s audience had their say, before crafting the campaign’s…
Denise Atkins, Associate Marketing and Content Consultant at IE Brand
Denise Atkins
Free branding resource
Free not-for-profit branding white paper Veteran brand consultants Ollie Leggett and David Crichton have distilled their 40+ years of combined branding experience into a practical, accessible guide to why, when, and how to successfully refresh, reposition or rearticulate your…
Top level uni rebrand
Cranfield University Cranfield University is a postgraduate and research-based university specialising in science, engineering, technology and management. Cranfield commissioned IE Brand to rebrand the university. Based at a former RAF site in Bedfordshire, Cranfield…